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Fair Use

Many of the images on this site are displayed as a result of the "Fair Use" law.  Normally, images cannot be used without written permission from both the copyright holder and the owner of the work.  People who own those images, understandably, protect their rights to prevent their work from being stolen.  However, and image can be used if the following requirements are met:
  • The image is public domain OR the image is owned by a public library OR the permission is granted from both the copyright holder and the owner of the image.
  • The image is not being used to make profit
  • The image is being used for educational and/or informative reference.
  • Proper citation is given to the owners and copyright holders.  Chicago or MLA format is typically used for historical research, and so it is the format I use for my sources.
"Black Hills Railroad" meets all the requirements listed above.  I do not make money from this site and it is used for educational and informative reference.  Citation is given whenever possible and most images displayed are in public domain or owned by a public library.  Any other images have been used after being granted written permission from the owners and copyright holders.

Photograph owners are the people or organizations which currently own the original image, copyright holders are people who originally took the image or signed a specific document which grants the individual or organization exclusive rights to the image.

The goal is to have "Black Hills Railroad" become a reliable source of historical information about South Dakota and its railroads.

--James Willmus
